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Platinum-Cured Silicone Tubing and Hoses from AdvantaPure
Our AdvantaSil® family of high purity silicone tubing and hose products are quickly becoming recognized as superior choices for Single-Use processes worldwide. Engineers in process development and manufacturing have relied on AdvantaSil unreinforced tubing, reinforced hose, pump grade tubing and wire reinforced suction hose for many years.

Click to download a printable PDF version of our AdvantaSil Catalog. AdvantaSil_catalog.pdf (2.7MB)
Single-use Molded Manifolds provide a seamless transition between tubing and connections for a continuous, leak-proof flow. Molded connections include Y, T, cross, reducer, Tri-Clamp®, and mini Tri-Clamp styles. Made from AdvantaSil® platinum-cured silicone or AdvantaFlex® biopharmaceutical grade TPE, they allow for one material contact surface throughout the system. Connection sizes differ depending on style. Certified free of animal-derived ingredients.
We can also provide choices for non-entrapment hose assemblies, where conveyed materials contact only the pure inner liner of the assembly — from end to end — providing a seamless transition and higher flow rates.
Molded Silicone Assemblies
Supplied as an integrated assembly of silicone fittings and hose. Molded Silicone Assemblies are available in mini and standard Tri-Clamp® fitting styles and are supplied with male gaskets molded directly to the face of the fitting. READ MORE…
Contact an AdvantaPure Sales Representative to discuss your needs at 1-888-755-4370.

Single-use Systems are custom made using AdvantaSil® platinum-cured, Class VI silicone tubing and hose or AdvantaFlex® Class VI biopharmaceutical grade TPE tubing. Add fittings, stoppers and container closures, filters, bottles, labels and tracking options, and other components.