Company Profile
AdvantaPure’s tubing and hose includes AdvantaFlex® biopharmaceutical grade pump tubing, platinum cured silicone tubing and reinforced hose, and reinforced PTFE, FEP, and EPDM hose. Sanitary fittings in stainless steel or molded from silicone or AdvantaFlex are offered as well so that hose assemblies can be manufactured and shipped quickly. We concentrate on single use manifold assemblies and manufacture both molded manifolds and assembled tubing sets. A variety of attachments such as filters, fittings, bags, bottles, and BioClosure® container seals allow for complete, ready-to-use systems. Gamma irradiation services are also available.

NewAge Industries’ AdvantaPure® high purity products division specializes in ultra-clean products for the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic industries. All products are manufactured, stored, and shipped using the cleanest methods possible to ensure unsurpassed product purity for the customer.
Tubing, reinforced hose, and molded products are manufactured, inspected, and packaged in our custom built, Class 7, ISO certified clean rooms. The AdvantaPure production facility is certified by an outside source to meet ISO 9001:2015. We adhere to good manufacturing procedures with special consideration for ventilation and air seals, appropriate clothing and coverings, and quality inspections. Many of our products, after undergoing extensive physical, chemical, and biological testing, meet USP Class VI, FDA, ISO, NSF, European Pharmacopoeia, and 3-A standards.

Our Guiding Principles

Create Value For the Customer

Look At The Big Picture

Create Purpose

Seek Excellence

Apply Scientific Thinking

Focus On Process

Safety & Quality

Improve Workflow

Respect Every Individual

Lead With Humility

Have Fun
Customer Focus
Team members demonstrate a commitment to provide quality products and services to the customer.- Always remember that the customer is why we are here
- Look for solutions that are mutually beneficial
- Handle difficult situations with patience and care and understand the customer’s point of view
- Provide quality products and services by striving to exceed the needs and expectations of our customers
Team members possess a high level of ethical behavior.- Be honest, fair, trustworthy and do the right thing
- Maintain confidentiality
- Address and report unethical behavior
- Demonstrate consistency between what is said and what is done
Teamwork and Learning
Team members communicate and work together to achieve common goals.- Create and reinforce a positive work environment with humor and common courtesy
- Never be afraid to ask for assistance from another team member
- Practice non-defensive behavior and inquire into other team members’ thinking
- Resolve conflicts directly with the person involved
- Be proactive versus reactive in problem solving
- Fellow team members are co-owners – treat them as you would like to be treated
- Admit to mistakes and share what you’ve learned
- When presenting problems always bring your best ideas for solution
- Communicate negative information as quickly as you would communicate positive news
- Improve the company and yourself by taking advantage of company offered training and education
Team members leave for home uninjured every day.- Practice safety in everything you do
- Step in and help other team members when needed
- Live a healthy lifestyle in order to better perform your work tasks
- Speak up about unsafe behaviors
Team members take responsibility for their own actions.- Hold yourself accountable for your own work
- Attempt to maintain an even disposition regardless of the impact of the problem
- Limit personal business on the job
- Speak positively about team members, our company and our competition
You own this company – treat it as such and practice ownership behavior.- Maintain ownership of a customer complaint or problem until it is solved
- Protect the company’s assets and spend capital and expense money as if it were your own – it is
- Do a day’s work in a day